Monday, July 16, 2012


wow time sure flies! This past week was interesting and exciting for many reasons. On wed. we took our investigator, Jennifer, to Temple Square. We brought along Lizzeth our recent convert to help us out. When we watched the video "God's Plan for His Families" everyone started to cry. Lizzeth testified of the temple and gospel and how she is working together with her husband to be able to enter the temple and be sealed this January. All in all it was a good trip if you take away the fact that it was about 100 degrees and we had to wear suit coats.

Thursday we went on exchanges with one of the district leaders Elder Bowers (my comp from last summer). I went into his area with him and his new missionary went with Elder Vela. If I told you we went to bed at 10:30 that would be a lie because we didn't. We found ourselves talking about the people we have taught in the mission until 2:30 am. It was nice to look back at the past 22 months and see how we have each changed and grown to embrace the gospel more. Elder Bowers expressed to me a little of his fear of going home (he finishes the mission in 3 weeks) and how more than anything he is going to miss the people. The next day we were tired but we were able to teach 5 lessons and set up the baptismal interview for one of his investigators.

Friday was a crazy day and to make it all better it was raining most of the day. We went out in search for Hispanics and around 4pm we were knocking doors when a kid names Carlos opened the door. He invited us in and we began to teach him. About 2 min into the lesson his parents came in the door having just finished a trip to Walmart. They sat down along with another brother and we began to teach the Restoration. They were all glued to the lesson as we talked about eternal families. The dad at the end said that he would really like for us to come back and that when he saw us here teaching his son for some reason he was really happy. As we walked out of that lesson all happy we got a call from Rachel the non-member wife of a recent convert. Rachel was not baptized with her husband because she made a promise with her mother on her death bed that she would never stop being Baptist. So when the missionaries started teaching her and her husband she told them "I will NEVER get baptized". Then slowly it changed to a maybe and finally a "well when I finish getting my tattoos maybe I will be baptized". Anyway she called and asked us to come over so we did. When we got to her house she asked Elder Vela how many days he had left in his mission, he responded "27", she then said "well can you get me baptized in the next 27 days then?" We were super excited and a little shocked so I asked her what had changed. She told us that her husband who had just gotten a job paid his tithing for the first time and when he did that he told her that he felt as if something was lifted off his back. She felt what he said was true and decided to be baptized. So she will be baptized July 29th.

After we left Rachel's house we headed over to do the interview for Elder Bower's investigator Ricardo. I was the one doing the interview so Ricardo and I went into a backroom and sat down and began to talk. We went through all the questions and he had a testimony of every single one of them. At the end I asked him if he had any questions and he brought up one. He said that he knew it was all true but was wondering if he could wait and learn more and then be baptized with his son who is 11. I talked to him for a little bit about it and then brought in Elder Bowers. We told him that it was up to him and we gave him 2 options. Option 1: wait and be baptized with you son. Option 2: be baptized now and work to get the Priesthood so you can baptized your son. Before he decided asked if we could kneel down and pray about it. So Ricardo, Elder Bowers and I knelt down and Ricardo began to pray. In his prayer he expressed his sincere desire to follow Christ and help his kids follow Christ too. He then asked if he should be baptized that Sunday and BOOM..... it hit us like a wall! The Spirit was testifying that he needed to baptized that Sunday. My hairs were standing on end and my heart racing but yet calm. He finished his prayer and then began to say a personal prayer. He sat there kneeling in prayer for at least 5 min and the Spirit continued to testify. Elder Bowers looked up at me and I just put my hands to my lips and motioned for his to not say anything, just let him pray and think. After about what seemed like 10 min Ricardo opened his eyes and said "Tell me what will go on at my baptism". We explained a little and then I asked him "So Ricardo will you be baptized this Sunday?" He just smiled and said "Si". It had been awhile since the Spirit hit me so hard but it was a beautiful experience in the which we learned how important the covenant of baptism is and how we need not procrastinate the day of our repentance. Sunday night Ricardo was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and next week will be confirmed a member. It is so important that we follow the Spirit as we do this work and as we bring God's children back to Him.

On Sunday both Jennifer and Rachel came to church. Jennifer had to work Saturday night from 6pm to 7:30 am Sunday morning but still manage to come to church at 9am and she stayed for all 3 hours. Rachel has a cracked hip but came to church being pushed in a wheel chair by her husband, it was quite a cute experience. I was extremely tired though by the end of Sunday after having attended 5 hours of church. Covering a Spanish ward and an English stakes is hard because you have try to check up on each ward to see who came but it is a good experience.

Coming up this week... Interviews with President Miller. While interviews are going on Elder McKinney (the Assistant to the President and I will be training all the district leaders. Then we will train all the missionaries training new missionaries while Elder Vela and Elder Hess train the new missionaries, then we have to all give a zone training so tomorrow will be a crazy day. Pray for me! Love you all!


Elder Jolly


my email will be short because I really need to get a haircut and we have to go to the mission office to get mail for the zone.

This week was pretty good. The best part was hearing that I will be going to Seattle when I finish!!!! Also we had a lesson with Jennifer this morning and she told us that she is excited for her baptism. She was not able to come to church on sunday because she had to work until 5 in the morning sat night but she told her boss that she needs to go to church on sundays and wont do that again.

We taught Lizzeth this past week and it was awesome. She is going through some trials because her husband is not being treated fairly at work and he is having to work 18 hr days. Her husband is trying to start his own business with a few other people but they told him that he needs to buy his own tools and he doesnt have the $2000 that requires. She told us that she knew the Lord would provide a way and that she was going to fast so that the Lord would hear their prayers. We then went over on sunday and taught her and her husband Eric. We watched Mormon Messages and they both started to cry. Eric was so impressed he asked me to make him a copy, I told him I would but in reality I am just going to buy them one.

This past week we had Zone Leader Council and President Miller went through 2 Nephi 31 and explained how in the chapter it explains in depth the process of going through the temple. I didnt believe it but then he showed us and wow it made sense. We also visited this old man named Brother Farnsworth, he is a master of the scriptures. He has memorized over 700 scriptures. He is legally blind, deaf in one ear, has a fake leg and half of his other foot but he knows the doctrine. We sat and talked with him for about an hour and he explained exactly why Jesus had to be baptized, the doctrine of eternal marriage and what the Book of Life is. It is all way to deep to talk about in my email but it was fascinating.

It is super hot in this room so I am going to jet but I love you all.

Elder Jolly


Freak I just want to know!!!! Well I was called my President Miller on wed and he told me that i was getting transfered back to Kearns but to a different area. He told me that my new companion would be Elder Vela. I was a little confused because well Elder Vela is a zone leader. President Miller said that I was going to be a zone leader! I was taken aback. I was excited but nervous to say the least! Elder Quiroz my comp got moved down to Riverton so he will still be in the south mission with me. As of right now the mission has been divided. It was sad to see so many missionaries I know get stuck in the new mission but that is where the Lord wants them. The second day back in Kearns I found out that Lizzeth and Eric (two people Elder Bolivar and I baptized in Jan) had moved into the area. We stopped by to see them on friday and oh it was a treat. She opened the door and said hi and then she saw me and started screaming! She gave me a big hug and invited us in. We began to talk about what had gone on in the past while and how church was. They have progressed so much!!!! She and her husband are super solid in their testimonies. I remember when we were teaching her she always wanted to know, "Where is that in the Bible? and how come this and that?" And then one day she just told us that yes she has a lot of questions but that she knew the church was true. Not because of the doctrine but because she could feel it in her heart. Because she had prayed and recieved an answer. All her doubts went away from the point. She has gone through a lot of trails since the time she got baptized but she realizes that it is because she is making correct choices and so Satan is tempting her. You can see the difference in her eyes!
Ok so then we were driving on sat down the road where Gabby lives, another person who Elder Bolivar and I baptized and she was sitting outside with the spanish missionaries ( we cover that area in english) so I slammed on the brakes and pulled over. As soon as I got out of the car she saw me and she was just like "JOLLY!" I ran up to her and gave her a huge hug. We talked for a few moments and then Elder Vela and I had to run off to another appointment.

Last night I went over to the Espinoza's house aka my brown family. I was on exchanges with another Elder in the zone. He knocked the door and I hid behind him. Ana, the daughter, answered the door and said "hi elders" then I popped up my head and just like everyone else, she screamed "Jolly Bean"! (my nickname she gave me). I saw Sister Espinoza inside just make a quick turn and she saw my and gasped. I ran to her and went to shake her hand and skipped the hand and went straight for a big hug. I love my brown mom! The Rivera's were there and they asked "Elder Jolly what did you do to make everyone in this area love you so much!?" I had no good answer. It was just amazing seeing these people again.

To top it all of on saturday we taught a lady named Jennifer who is from Peru. We were only able to teach the first 2 principles of the Restoration before we had to go. At the end we invited her to be baptized on July 21st and she said translated "Yes I would really like that! What do I have to do to prepare?" Things are going good and I am super happy. I hope to be able to finish these last 11 weeks strong. I love you all and pray for you.


Elder Jolly


This week has been good. We had a family home evening at our church building for 2 of our inv and their less-active parents. If was all about how families can be together forever and several families from the ward showed up to support us. We were able to teach Martin several times this week and we found out that he is not married to his girlfriend who he is living with. We talked about marriage with them and they are praying to know if they need to get married. Martin also came to church on sunday along with Maria, Adan, and Omar, all of which are on date to be baptized in July.

Transfers are coming this week and it looks like I will be getting moved. I am going to miss many members and investigators here. The Elders Quorum Pres came up to me on sunday and gave me a gift saying he wanted to give me something before I got tranfered. Then as I was greeting people before church a sister in the ward told me that when I come back to visit I can stay in her basement if I dont have a place to stay and for as long as I want. The ward is full of great people and I will miss them all, but we will find out tomorrow if I am actually leaving.

We got a call from our Zone Leaders last night saying that in preparation for the new mission all the cars in the central mission need to be turned in on tues at 12pm. They then tried to commit me to have my car at the mission office by 12pm tomorrow, I replied "Nope". They were shocked and said Elder Jolly the Lord has asked you to turn in your car on tues at 12pm will you do it. I really dont like the elder who was talking to me so I said "Elder .... dont pull that card on me. I am sure President Miller did not recieve inspiration for the 12 o clock time to turn in the cars. I am sure the Lord just wants His cars back tomorrow. I have district meeting until 11:45 and then I will make my way to the mission office but i cannot promise I will be there by 12. He was frustrated but hey thats life. It will be nice though to lose our car because well we nearly died the other day while driving it. We were at a light turning right and the light turned green so I preceded to turn. A car taveling towards us ran the red light trying to turn left and slammed into the car right next to us. I jumped when I saw the car next to me start spinning. If the car next to me wouldnt have been there the car would have nailed my door and it would have hurt. On that note the Zone Leaders car got smashed up good when I man feel asleep at the wheel and ran a stop sign slamming into the back of their car. Good experiences.


Elder Jolly
Hey everybody what a good/stressful/alright week,

So this past week we had some weird experiences some amazing experiences and some sad experiences. I will start with what happened last monday. So after pday we went to stop by a referral that a Ward Mission Leader gave us. We went and knocked the door and a Cuban man opened the door and began to verbally attack us in Spanish of course. He was Jehovah's Witness and really did not like us. Now picture this, a tall white kid standing in a door while a short Cuban tears apart everything you believe in religiously and all of this in extremely fast Spanish. Well I didn't think that he thought I was going to be able to hold my own. I kept my calm for the first bit and with every attack I was able to use his bible to prove him wrong. He began to attack us on how we know that Jehovah is Jesus Christ. I opened to Genesis where it is describing how Jehovah made the Heaven and the earth, he cut me off there when he saw that I was going to trap him and asked me who was talking in the scripture, I responded "God". He said "correct" but then tried to wiggle his was out by saying that God was talking about himself. I was not about to let him get away with that. I being a white kid learning Spanish asked him to look at the verb used in the scripture which was the past tense of hacer. The scripture said "Jehovah hizo" hizo is the past tense of the usted or he form. So I asked him "so if God is talking about himself then God would have used the conjugation hice which is the "I" form of the verb but since he was talking about Jehovah who was Jesus Christ it was translated hizo. Then I flipped to John1 where it talks about how the person who made the earth or Jehovah came down and dwelt among us and received a body. He looked stunned! Now this was all a good calm conversation until this point where he had gotten cornered and then he went on the attack saying how miracles have stopped and everything is just luck. My companion and I testified that if he denies the fact that miracles happen then he is denying the hand of God in his life and that his was wrong in not giving Him the credit. This made him mad and he began to attack the leadership of the church and their priesthood, the he grabbed me and began to get in my face. This is where I got upset. Now I do not like bashing and this is the first situation in my mission where I have ever gotten angry with someone who was attacking my religious beliefs, but when someone attacks and speaks bad of the prophet and the apostles of the Lord that is when they have gone to far. I told him that we were done talking to him and that made him more angry. He began to talk bad of the priesthood and continued to talk bad about the leadership and how we have no right to baptize because we have no authority and he does. I looked him right in the face and said "Sir well the person who baptized me doesn't have the car of the year and a big house because he is payed to baptize and preach what he preaches unlike yours." Then I turned and walked away. My companion just stood there stunned and then came running down the stairs after me. When we got in the car I had to take a few minutes to cool down and I talked to my companion about how we should avoid contention but how when the man started to talk bad about President Monson I snapped. That was my only bash and will be my only. But I was surprised how everything just came out in pretty much fluent Spanish.
OK so a few weeks ago I told you of an experience I had with Elder Wilson on an exchange of how we were lead by the spirit to a lady with diabetes whose husband was not a member. We taught him a powerful lesson on the Book of Mormon and baptism. Well were turned him over to the other elders and the other day I got a call saying he had been baptized. He was found by the spirit 100% and baptized a week and a half later. It made my day.

The next story I have to tell is very humbling but helped my testimony grow that God knows everybody's circumstances and knows when and how to help them. So we received a referral for a lady (single mom(I will withhold her name)) about 5 weeks ago and we could never contact her. We would try sometimes 2 or 3 times a day to find her but never could. Little did I realize that the Lord was waiting for the right time. This past Friday we finally were able to contact her and she told us we could come by the next day at 2pm. We stopped by the next day at 2 with Brother Carrasquillo and his brother in law to teach this lady. She warmly invited us in and let us sit down. We began by introducing ourselves as representatives of the Lord Jesus Christ and asked a few questions to see needs and previous beliefs. The Spirit was there and caused her to open up. She began to tell us of something that had happened to her a few days before. She had just picked up her 2 kids from day care and had arrived home. She came in the house and quickly realized that someone was there. Before she knew it someone attacked her and started to choke her, they raped her, robbed her and then choked her until she passed out the person then left thinking she was dead. Hearing what happened brought us all to tears but we were able to testify to her of the power of the Atonement. She told us that afterwards she thought about killing herself because everything had been going so wrong lately. Brother Carrasquillo and his brother in law testified of how trials prepare us for great blessings. There was an undeniable spirit there! We realized that we had not been able to contact her for so long because it was not until this moment that she needed us and God knew that. We were able to step in as a representative of Jesus Christ and show her the loved she needed. I will not soon forget this experience.

I testify that God is aware of every aspect of our lives and that he knows when to step in and give us the help we need and also when to let us struggle a little so that we can grow. I know this from personal experience and from seeing it in the lives of others. Missionary work is the most real work there is. It is a work of love and salvation.


Elder Jolly