Wednesday, October 20, 2010

oct 15 letter

Well it was another week in the good old MTC. This week just flew by, time seems to be going by faster and faster now. For the devotional yesterday we had Bishop Edgley come. He was amazing!!! He talked about how we are empowered as missionaries and how the missionaries going out now are more prepared then ever. He related a story about how he was having a conversation with President Hinckley regaurding missionary work on Manhattan Island. Bishop Edgley said he served his whole mission there and couldnt baptize one soul, but now the church cant build churches fast enough there to keep up with the growth. President Hinckley just smiled and responded " Well we have a better missionary today". Bishop Edgley talked about how the Gospel is simple and logical and as missionaries we need to keep it that way when teaching. He said one baptism can affect 3,000 people in as little as 5 generations and in 8 generations the number is 30,000. Work is the engine that keeps everything going. If you put in 30hrs or work you will get 30hrs of sucess out of it, so our sucess depends on how hard we are willing to work. My favortie quote from him was regaurding missionary work is, "Faith is the power, obedience is the price, love is the motive, and Christ is the reason" -James E. Faust.
I have noticed my study skills have been improving as I have more fully concecrated myself to the Lords work, the language comes easier, personal revelation comes stronger. I feel my self growing closer to the Spirit. I feel my relationship with my Heavenly Father strengthening. The first counsoler (sp) in our branch presidency gave a talk on sunday about hope and he describes hope as the "abiding waiting desrie for something better.  Love it here, and the joy and peach missionary workd brings.
Love, Elder Jolly

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