Monday, September 10, 2012

July 30, 2012

This week was good. All week we were daily contacting Jennifer in preparation for her baptism. She was just so prepared. Only once in the month we have been teaching her did she cancel and appt. and that was because she was called in to work. Every single time we left a reading assignment she did it without fail, and she always came to church. Her baptism on Sunday was amazing! The branch came out in full support and filled the room. Afterwards we went over to her best friends house and ate with Jennifer and this family (Fam Favela). It just so happens Jennifer's best friends husband is not a member and is being taught by the missionaries in Olympic Park 3rd. He came to the baptism and really liked it and is praying to know if he should be baptized this Sunday.
On Tuesday my brown mom Sister Espinoza and other members in the Olympic Park 3rd ward threw a party for Elder Bowers and I because Elder Bowers finishes next week and I finish 6 weeks after him. There was some bomb food!

Soo about 5 weeks ago I tweaked my left knee and it has been really tender since then. I finally decided to go see the doctor. She asked me to lay on my stomach and she began to check each muscle in the back of my knee and ask if it hurt when she moved it. When she got to one muscle that I honestly have never heard of, the moment she touched it I screamed out in pain. She did a few more tests and told me that I had torn the muscle. So I have a torn muscle in the back of my knee. Thank goodness though that I was not a full tear so she said surgery is not needed. I have to rest it and I can't play sports for the next several weeks so that the muscle can heal.

There is some really sad news. We received a mission wide text message on Friday asking us to pray for Sister Johnson. Her family were traveling from Texas to Salt Lake City to pick her up since she finishes the mission next week when the family was involved in a serious car accident. Her 2 younger sisters, ages 12 and 14 died in the crash and her 3rd sister is in critical condition in the hospital. I know Sister Johnson very well and I cannot imagine the pain she is going through right now. President put her on a flight home as soon as he could so she could be with her family. Please pray for her and her family.


Elder Jolly

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